Educate yourself

Below are materials and articles from and about organizations who are working to fight for equality for women and in women’s health around the world.


Our Bodies Ourselves, also known as the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, is best known for the landmark book “Our Bodies, Ourselves,” which empowers women with information about health, sexuality and reproduction. We work in and build bridges among social justice movements. Click on the logo above to view the full website and learn more.

Politics of Women’s Health

Women are healthier in places where policies promote equal access to health care and education; clean, safe neighborhoods and workplaces; fair and livable incomes; and the power to participate democratically in decisions that affect our lives.

These markers of social and economic equality have significant influence over our health and longevity. The articles in this section provide an overview of the economic and political conditions that affect health care access and quality of care.

More than 800 women die every day from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth.

That’s 1 woman every 2 minutes.

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Almost all global maternal deaths can be prevented…

We invest in organizations working to improve access to quality, respectful and equitable maternity care around the world.